About a week ago I went to a place called Lempäälä as my birthday present from mom. Reason for this gift was to see my friends and have a fun birthday with them. So we did have lot of fun and you will see that from the pictures a little bit later ^^ But first! On Friday I left home with Papui and Iina. We stayed at Rararin's (Her real name is Laura) place that night (Actually we all were there the whole weekend :D). That evening was normal but on Saturday we went to place called FunPark. And as you can imagine from name already it's a place where we had fun. (I'm so clever~) But we weren't there alone just the four of us. There were also five other friends of mine. Two of them came to Rararin's place for the next night. Those two were Cubey (Milla) and Janina. On Saturday evening we went to take some photos but it became too dark to take good pictures. Luckily we got a few pictures and some of those pictures will be below. Let's continue~! After photographing we went inside and talked about everything what came to our minds. (Literally everything ^^') Unfortunately we had to go sleep at 3 AM because Rararin's mother came to shout at us. XD Sunday was quite a bit boring day to you read so I'm not going to tell you so much about that. But I will put pictures and tell something from that moment or something what is coming to my mind while I watch that picture.
(Sorry for the long text in start~ I hope you are still reading this)
Awwwwwwww~ They are so cute >////////<
I had bad headache at that moment Q.Q
My wig did not want to stay in my head
"Do you want to join? ;)"
"Kuroko, you are too heavy!"
"I'm not a dog! Let me out!"
I tried to keep my face as normal but I couldn't do that while I watched what everyone else were doing ^^'
This is our group ♥ (I was the one who took this photo so I'm not in picture Q.Q)
This doesn't even look real XD
"Did you have something to say?"
"Run Akashi, run!"
Sorry about bad quality
"Satsuki, what happened to you hair?"
"I'm cool and I know it ;)"
Like ninja~
But that's it. I hope you enjoyed about this post and more will come after I have done something interesting in my life again XD Also thanks to Rararin for fixing most of my clerical errors ^^
♥: Kata
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